Page 20 - Book-TradiAliCulture-Sicily
P. 20

7.  To prepare the almond paste: Cook the sugar and     8.  Then pour the almonds flour
                      the water at low heat, rise the mixture at 121 C°       and cool.
                      (use a precision thermometer),

                  9.  When the mixture is        10. and by mixing form a       11. and put it at the edge
                      tepid(warm), add the          rectangle …                    of the cake pan.
                      food colouring agent…

                  12. Thinly slice the           13. Arrange the slices around the edges then …
                      Genoese dough              14. Fill the center with the ricotta and the remnants of the
                                                    sponge cake

                  15. Put it in the refrigerator for a night.
                  16. The following day, transfer the "cassata" cake on a tray and prepare the glazing.

                  17. Warm the icing sugar and the water without         18. Decorate the cake with
                      boiling them and pour the mixture on the cake.         candied fruit and pumpkin.

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