Page 24 - Book-TradiAliCulture-Sicily
P. 24

And now……...the recipe!

               "Cassatelles di ricotta" are typical cakes of Sicilian gastronomy.

               They have been recognized and included in the list of traditional Italian

               agri-food products.

               This cake was born in 1700 on the occasion of Easter in the town of
               Calatafimi (province of Trapani).

               They are called differently according to the various cities of Sicily:
               "Cappiddruzzi" in Marsala, "Raviola di ricotta" in Mazara del Vallo or
               "cassateddri" in the cities of Partinico and Lascari.

               "Cassatelles di ricotta" are friable half-moons, inside which there is ricotta
               (cheese of sheep), sugar, some cinnamon and chocolate flakes.

               For the dough, we used durum wheat flour, sugar, olive oil, Marsala wine

               and some lemon peel.

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