Page 14 - Book-TradiAliCulture-Sicily
P. 14


               The pastes have a very old history which starts 7000 years ago, when the man gives up the
               wandering life and starts to cultivate the ground. He discovers wheat then, learns how to work it,
               refine it, knead it with water. He sprinkles the paste and cooks it on the hot stone.

               In 1154, in a document of the Arab geographer « Al-Idrin », who resembled a tourist guide, one
               mentioned a food of flour in the shape of son called “triyah”, and produced in Sicily.

               The “busiate” are a kind of pastes which belongs to the typical dishes of the gastronomy of Trapani.
               The name of these pastes derives from “busa”, the stem of an endemic plant to the Mediterranean
               region. One used the “busa” to roll up the fresh pasta and to give them the typical shape in spiral.

               Concerning the pistou with the “trapanese”, it is a receipt very old and typical of the province of
               Trapani, which was born from the continuations of the continual commercial exchanges between
               Italy and Is Europe. During their long journeys, the boats which started from Genova towards Eastern
               Europe often made stopover with Trapani, one of the towns of Sicily having a port among most
               important of all the island. In Trapani, one quickly adapted the receipt of the Genoese pistou, which
               then with time, was modified by people of Trapani and was adapted to the local products: the
               tomato and almonds.

               The receipt for the manufacturing of Busiate

               Ingredients for the pastes (4 people) :
                   -   400 G of wheat flour hard
                   -   200 ml of water approximately
                   -   virgin extra olive oil in q.s.
                   -   salt in q.s.


                  ●   Pour the flour in a dish with a small
                  amount of salt and of the olive oil in
                  sufficient quantity.
                  ●  Gradually pour water in the mixture
                  until obtaining a homogeneous paste.
                  ●   Let put back the paste with the
                  refrigerator during 30 minutes.
                  ●   Spread out the paste over a scheme of
                  work using your hands by forming small
                  some 8/10 cm length thin cylinders.
                  ●   Roll up the cylinders of paste around a
                  spade with skewer.
                  ●   Pose to them side by side on a plate
                  ●   Let dry them a few hours around their
                  spade before releasing some.
                  ● Cook the busiate “al cogs”.

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