Page 11 - Book-TradiAliCulture-Sicily
P. 11

The recipe

               Ingredients (for 4 people):

                   -  1,5 kg aubergines
                   -  1,4 liter canned crushed tomatoes
                   -  Two tablespoons tomato purée

                   -  250 g mozzarella
                   -  Two garlic cloves

                   -  Parmesan or caciocavallo grating cheese
                   -  Olive oil
                   -  10 cl red wine
                   -  10 cl water

                   -  Salt and pepper
                   -  Coarse salt

               Cooking Utensils

                   -  A frying pan
                   -  A mandolin
                   -  A colander

                   -  Tissue
                   -  Pyrex plate
                   -  Oven

               Preparation of recipe:

               -  Cut aubergines in thin slices in length and drain them with big salt (10)
                   during 20 minutes. Rinse (11) and soak (12).

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