Page 47 - Book-TradiAliCulture-Sicily
P. 47

Recipe of “Sfincione de Bagheria” (with ricotta)


                           For the dought:                          For the seasoning:
                              250 g durum wheat flour                    white round onions
                              250 g flour                                anchovy
                              1 dice brewer’s yeast                      oregano
                              12 g salt                                  salt
                              wather                                     «caciocavallo» cheese
                                                                          fresh bread-crumb
                                                                          ricotta cheese


                 1)  Sieve and mix both flours
                 2)  Add the yeast dissolved in some tepid to warm water and mix.
                 3)  Pour the mixture in the mixer.
                 4)  Thoroughly mix by gradually adding hot water until getting a soft dough.
                 5)  Cover the dough with sprinkled flour and a tissue (the volume increases during the rising).
                     Ideally, keep the dough in a warm area.
                 6)  Let rest the dough one hour, the time to double its volume.
                 7)  Meanwhile, clean onions and slice them thinly.
                 8)  In a pan with lid, cook and brown onions in some olive oil.
                 9)  Add the anchovy fillets and stir.
                 10)  Drain the oil and put it aside separately.
                 11)  In the cooking oil, add fresh bread-crumb, oregano, pepper and a little mature "caciocavallo"
                 12)  When the dough’s volume has been doubled, put it on a baking tray and level it to about two
                     little fingers thick.
                 13)  Season the “sfincione” with anchovies, onions, ricotta and bread-crumb.
                 14)  Put the “sfincione” in the oven at 220°C during approximately 30 minutes.

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