Page 30 - Book-TradiAliCulture-Sicily
P. 30


               Pour 600 ml water into a saucepan (1), bring to a boil and add the sugar (2).
               When the sugar is completely melted, the liquid will become clear (3),
               Turn the heat off and let the syrup cool.

               Squeeze the lemons with a juicer (4) and filter the juice using a strainer (5). You should get about 200
               ml of filtered juice. Pour this juice into the cold syrup (6).

               Whisk the mixture well (7).
               Place a lid on the plastic or metal container containing the "granita" and put it all in the freezer.
               After half an hour, remove the mixture from the freezer and stir it vigorously to break the ice crystals
               that have formed (8).
               Repeat this operation every half hour or every quarter of an hour if the mixture hardened too
               Repeat at least two or three times before obtaining the final product (9).

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