Page 3 - Book-TradiAliCulture-Sicily
P. 3
The arancina was born in Palermo but over the centuries, it was diffused in the rest of Sicily.
The name “arancina” derives from the “orange” fruit and means “small orange”.
The origin of this dish dates back to the time of the Arab domination in Sicily, which lasted
from the 9th to the 11th centuries. The Arabs were used to mixing a little saffron rice in the
palm of their hands, then to season it with lamb before eating it. The comparison with an
orange was natural in Sicily because this fruit is very common everywhere in the island.
In Palermo, it was called “arancina”, while in Catania and Messina its name was “arancino”
(masculine) or “arancini” (plural). The ball shape is characteristic of the arancina from
Palermo, while the conical one is typical of Catania.
The idea to give to this delicious recipe a little crunchy biscuit and the round form, derives
from a practical need. Indeed, it seems that King Frederic II of the House of Swabia liked this
dish at the point that he wanted to carry it with him during his hunting days in the “Ficuzza”
wood close to Palermo. Therefore, one thought of frying these rice pellets in a scented
breadcrumb to be able to transport them.